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RSWCD Honey Bee Starter Kit Winner is....

Rockdale Soil and Water Conservation District is happy to announce, Gabe Holcombe, as the winner of the Honey Bee Starter Kit raffle.  Mr. Holcombe was presented with a brand new Honey Bee Starter Kit. RSWCD is proud to assist and champion efforts to increase Rockdale County's bee pollinator population.


RSWCD Is Seeking New Board Appointee

RSWCD is seeking candidates intrested in being appointed as Board Supervisor. 

Please submit application below if intrested. Learn more about the District Supervisor role by reviewing the Supervisor Handbook.


Honey Creek Elementary 

RSWCD Supervisor George Kelecheck and Angela Reaves (Stem Coordinator) made additional progress with the beautification of the Outdoor Environmental Learning Center and  aquatic pond at Honey Creek Elementary. The pond area was filled in and enhanced with additional mulch, rocks, and plants donated by Supervisor Kelecheck.

Working together RCPS and Rockdale Soil Water Conservation District are making great Environmental Learning Centers for students, teachers, curriculum designers, parents, citizens, and guests of RCPS



Enhancement Project

Sphere on Spiral Stairs

Everyone, Every Day
making Rockdale a better place to Live, Work, and Play!


Create a

Pollinator Garden

Learn how to plant a successful pollinator garden HERE

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Dump the Plastic

Use reusable shopping bags and refillable water bottles to help reduce waste and plastic in the environment.

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Join the Trash Grab

Pick up litter. Get together and enjoy Rockdale's great outdoors  while making Rockdale beautiful.

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Free recycling is available for Rockdale residents at 

Rockdale Recycling Center.

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RSWCD Supervisors joined District Supervisors 
across Georgia for Conservation

Several supervisors from the Rockdale Soil and Water Conservation District (RSWCD) were able to attend the Georgia Association of Conservation Districts (GACD) 2022 Annual Meeting. The GACD Annual Meeting brings together District Supervisors from all over the state for workshops and training on conservation planning. RSWCD Supervisors were able to obtain additional training and certification in Best Management practices and laws governing erosion and sedimentation. RSWCD Supervisors obtained valuable knowledge to secure funding for Rockdale County conservation and community engagement. Information was presented on the Georgia Legislature’s adopted 2023 fiscal budget which provided a significant increase to conservation funding in Georgia. An additional $772, 300 was appropriate to the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission to support conservation efforts across the state including Rockdale County. The GACD Annual Meeting enabled RSWCD Supervisors to strengthen partnerships on both the state and national level to increase the capacity for RSWCD to deliver conservation planning to Rockdale citizens.

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